Carri’s Story

And My Training

Carri Duncan | Holistic Health & Well-Being Guide

​​​In my late twenties, I was diagnosed with polycythemia vera and told that ​my only option was to take a daily chemotherapy pill for the rest of my life. Immediately, I knew this was not the path for me. It would make me more unhealthy, and ​I wanted to get better and ​live a long life with my ​young children.

For months, I resisted changing my diet. However, on my own timing, I eventually felt ready and wanted to try to heal my body with food. Conventional medicine and my hematologist thought that diet would make no difference with my condition. But deep down, it really made sense to me, and I knew of others who had healed their blood diseases (even terminal leukemia) through nutrition. Changing my diet, changed my blood, my bone marrow, and my life. Today, I am grateful for that illness and how it led me to do something very different.​

My diagnosis pushed me to make a total lifestyle change with the typical American diet I thought I loved so much. Yet with each nutrient-rich meal, I became both mentally and physically stronger. Nourishment brought me in touch with myself. It proved that my foods were a replacement to prescriptions and allowed me more security to deal with my stresses. But best of all, I felt better than I ever had before.​

I’m in my late 50’s now, and my passion is in helping others who are searching for a way to regain their health. You definitely have another option, as chronic illnesses can be reversed. I will help you find your own path with healing, because each person innately knows what feels right for them.

No matter what your health concerns are, your body is always trying to achieve balance for you and there is a way to become healthier. Healing from a deeply rooted disorder in your body takes time and can be demanding, but it’s not nearly as challenging as it is dealing with health problems.​

​​I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. In addition to my studies, I combine my own life experiences with holistic healing into my program. Each person has their own unique bio-individuality, and my work is based upon your specific needs. We are all different, so ​some of our requirements with food will also be different. What works for one, doesn’t work the same for another.

My studies opened me up to so many healing paths other than my own, and I will help you create better health for yourself. Eating well doesn’t mean bland and boring foods, but rather, learning new ways to enjoy healthy, great tasting, and flavorful foods that will fuel your body and brain.

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
— Ayurvedic Proverb